Welcome to the Red Dirt Waterfowl website!
Red Dirt Waterfowl, LLC. is a premier hunting guide located in central Oklahoma. Red Dirt Waterfowl is a family owned and operated guide service which offers guided duck and goose trips for adults and kids.
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Thank you to all our partners, sponsors, family members, and friends who help make Red Dirt Waterfowl operations and community outreach a success so that the efforts and passion in the hunting and fishing industry may flourish for years and years to come. We appeciate you!

Youth Outreach Program

Red Dirt Waterfowl is proud to help promote wildlife conservation and passion through community outreach. Each year we take a small hand selected group of youth who typically have never experienced the outdoors before on a duck hunt. Prior to hunt day we teach the kids basic gun and hunting safety while shooting clay pigeons, outfit the youth with clothing for the hunt. It is an amazing thing to see on a Oklahoma youth duck hunt day when the kids enjoy an experience of a lifetime! Click below to learn more!