Hardy Face Paint
We try to keep a good relationship with our partners at Red Dirt. We love it when partners have the same ideal. We were stoked when our partner, Hardy Face Paint, decided to come hang out and do a little hunting here in good old Oklahoma.
Bradley introduced me to their face paint this year, but at first I was so skeptical because I am a fair, sensitive skinned red head who has always been very worried about what I smear on my face before going outdoors. The first time I wore hardy facepaint I thought it would burn or smear. To my suprise it never burned, never smeared, and my make up remover took it right off without intense scrubbing on my face. I absolutley love this stuff! In fact, I keep a tube in my hunting jacket so I never leave and go hunting without it.
When the Hardy guys came to town for a hunt they had a great time down at one of our local water spots. They smacked down a few mallards and seemed very pleased with the hunt.
We all really enjoyed the visit and are blessed to have them as partners. We hope to all get together and visit again soon!
Kacee Montgomery,
Red Dirt Waterfowl, LLC.,
Website Manager.